Restaurant Policies:
Each restaurant sets its own operating hours based on factors like staffing availability, demand, and profitability. Some restaurants may choose to close early due to these considerations.
Local Regulations:
Local laws and regulations can affect a restaurant's operating hours. For instance, some areas may have restrictions on how late restaurants can operate.
Customer Demand:
Restaurants on Grubhub may close early if there is limited demand during later hours. It might not be financially viable for them to stay open when there are fewer orders.
Supply Chain and Inventory:
Restaurants may close early if they run out of certain ingredients or if their supply chain is disrupted. This can happen unexpectedly and lead to early closures.

Staffing Constraints:
If a restaurant is short-staffed or has difficulty finding employees willing to work late shifts, they may opt to close earlier.
Safety Concerns:
Safety and security can be a consideration. Some restaurants may choose to close early to avoid potential risks associated with operating late at night.
Operational Costs:
Operating a restaurant, especially late into the night, can be expensive. Some restaurants may choose to close early to minimize operational costs.
Market Research:
Grubhub and other food delivery platforms may use data to identify times of day with lower demand, and restaurants might adjust their hours accordingly.
It's important to remember that Grubhub is a platform that connects customers with local restaurants. The policies and decisions about operating hours are ultimately made by the individual restaurants